
Archive for November 3rd, 2015

Nail Polish Danger? Chemical Triphenyl Phosphate.

I wore acrylic nails for 25 years being in the entertainment industry. OPI was my favorite.  I would layer colors to make it unique. I always used a professional nail salon. It came the day when I had a bad break where my nail was exposed to down to the nail bed. I had nails rip off before, band-aids were used frequently. But this one made me reflect, is it really worth it?  Then, I just soaked them off 5 years ago. No more chemicals. Now I realize the smell in the salons is toxic also the ingredients in the nail polish.  Many of the salon workers wear masks for that reason and many are of foreign decent. Now decades later, this study confirms what I already believed.

Via Natural News

Triphenyl phosphate (TPHP), a plasticizer dually used in nail polish and as a flame retardant for furniture, was detected in the urine of every woman who volunteered to participate in the study.

Environmental Working Group states,

The study found that when women applied nail polish with TPHP directly to their nails, the levels of a biomarker of that chemical in their urine increased sharply. Technically, the researchers tested the women’s urine for a chemical called diphenyl phosphate or DPHP, which is created when the body metabolizes TPHP. The results represent compelling evidence that TPHP, a suspected endocrine-disrupting chemical also used in plastics manufacturing and as a fire retardant in foam furniture, enters the human body via nail polish.”

25 percent of polishes containing TPHP didn’t have it listed on their label.

TPHP caused paralysis in Cats

Toxic Nail-Polish Chemicals Found In Women’s Bodies, But Are You Really Surprised?

Sign a consumer petition to stop popular nail brands from using TPHP.

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