
Posts Tagged ‘Make America Great Again’

Donald Trump’s Argument For America 

Now is the time Americans. Take Our Country Back with a Roar without a corrupt establishment!

Donald Trump 8 years POTUS, 2 terms please!

Jason Miller, senior communications adviser.

“This is Mr. Trump’s positive closing message to American voters, and it comes at a time when Secretary Clinton has abandoned any positive message of her own,” said Jason Miller, senior communications adviser.

“We believe voters are looking to go in a new direction and Mr. Trump is ready to lead this change.”


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A new TV Ad showcasing Hillary Clinton for her “pay-to-play politics” and accuses her of abandoning American workers while prioritizing her own financial interests.

Jason Miller, senior communications adviser STATES,

Hillary Clinton knows nothing about creating jobs, but knows a lot about how to make money by abusing her and her husband’s government positions. The Clinton’s have made a living out of selling government access to Wall Street donors and special interests in exchange for donations to their slush fund conspicuously disguised as the Clinton Foundation.”


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Donald Trump TV AD Campaign AD Commercial 2016. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain

Seems like there is conflicting reports that it isn’t the Mexican border in video but Morocco.

Trump’s campaign stated,

The use of this footage was intentional and selected to demonstrate the severe impact of an open border and the very real threat Americans face if we do not immediately build a wall and stop illegal immigration.”



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