
Posts Tagged ‘voters’

What Happened To Dearborn, Michigan Muslims, Obama?

I tell you what happened, an Open boarder Obama why to change demographics. I want a halt to all immigrants.  Muslims that are already here need to be inspected for terrorism.  People, you know they are already here.  We must eradicate Muslim terrorism here and everywhere across the world. Seems like this is the first town in US to have Sharia in America?




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Between Two Ferns With Zach Galifianakis: Hillary Clinton

I cannot believe Hillary Clinton really did let this comedian dissect her like this.  Was this preset?  Unbelievable.

Donald Trump POTUS had inserted a tweet about it.  I Cannot wait for Monday’s first presidential debate.  NFL Football ratings will take a huge hit. This will be the best Reality TV of the year.


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Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg works as taxi driver in Oslo to hear voters opinions, PR stunt?

I have been in Oslo Norway 6 times in the mid- late 80’s and early 90’s. I had friends from Norway.  We worked together on Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines.  A matter of fact, I slept overnight in its airport waiting for an early flight back to Heathrow. I felt safe there, no need to get a hotel room.  They lock the doors and you store you luggage in a closet.  Sleep on the benches.  They give you a pillow. One time all air flight stopped as the King of Norway entered.  ( Sorry, I forget his name)

That was way before 9/11 and the Tower came down. That day the world changed forever. R.I.P. World Trade Center.

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In Philadelphia, New Black Panthers are back at Philly polling station 12th and Fairmount, Obama mural and GOP Inspectors forced out of polls, WTH?

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Charles Krauthammer slams Obama over Hurricane Sandy photo-op. Fox News analyst comments on Barack Obama for holding a press conference in the Briefing Room where he hasn’t shown up in a while. Where was Obama during the Benghazi terror attacks on 9/11?

Will Obama try  to act with authority of the President of the United States in response to a crisis? Obama is expected to visit areas affected by the storm, just days before the election.

Is Obama hoping empathy and response to tragedy voters?

Never let a crisis go to waste.

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