
Posts Tagged ‘Office’

Hillary Clinton’s First 2016 Campaign Video? First aired on CSPAN on ninth annual Saban Forum at the Brookings’ Saban Center for Middle East Policy.

Bloomberg Asked Clinton to Consider Succeeding Him as Mayor


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Occupy leftists attacked Obama’s Campaign Office In Oakland, CA.  Autonomous march, dance party and fences downed. Obama’s Campaign HQ smashed.

I guess the Occupiers do not like Obama any longer.


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Joe Biden’s hometown of Scranton is broke, the Mayor reduces the city workers pay to minimum wage, cuts overtime, disability and worker’s compensation.  He has only has given his employees 8 days notice. Following the tracks of the California towns of Mammoth Lakes and Stockton that have declared bankruptcy under the Obama’s administration.

Scranton’s Mayor Chris Doherty (D ) the State of Pennsylvanian’s sixth largest city claims his city has no money. Blaming it on a city councils block on his proposed tax increase of 29 percent to thwart a deficit of $16.8 million.  Doherty’s move is to try keep his city running of essential functions. This is not limited to police, firefighters, road construction workers and other city workers including himself.

Scranton also was made famous from the TV series The Office. The City Scranton is nestled high in the Pocono mountain of PA

It once claimed to be No. 10 Strongest Job Market: Scranton-Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

Say it isn’t so Joe. Why don’t you ask your boss Obama to help with your old neighborhood financial difficulties?

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