
Posts Tagged ‘Iowa’

Donald Trump’s Argument For America 

Now is the time Americans. Take Our Country Back with a Roar without a corrupt establishment!

Donald Trump 8 years POTUS, 2 terms please!

Jason Miller, senior communications adviser.

“This is Mr. Trump’s positive closing message to American voters, and it comes at a time when Secretary Clinton has abandoned any positive message of her own,” said Jason Miller, senior communications adviser.

“We believe voters are looking to go in a new direction and Mr. Trump is ready to lead this change.”


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Obama issues $1 million in grants to Planned Parenthood in Iowa, Missouri and Montana after it sells aborted baby parts.

Via Washington Times

Planned Parenthood chapters in Iowa, Missouri and Montana were among 100 recipients of “navigator” grants, which pay nonprofit groups to provide in-person help to people trying to sign up for coverage under Medicare or the health insurance exchanges set up under Obamacare.

Anne Filipic, president of Enroll America, a nonprofit states,

We’re pleased that the funding given is an increase from last year, and the three-year time frame of the grant provides the enrollment coalition with stability as we work to make enrollment a way of life for years to come.”

The chapters were among 100 recipients of $67 million in so-called “navigator” grants doled out by the Obama administration Wednesday to nonprofits in 34 states that help people get covered under the Affordable Care Act

That amount is up $7 million from last year’s allotment.

Congress Must De-Fund Planned Parenthood Immediately Please Sign petition.

Mitch McConnell: sorry, we only have a majority, we can’t defund Planned ParenthoodREALLY RINO!

Democrats in Congress Refuse to Watch Videos Exposing Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Babies

Average Salary of a Top Planned Parenthood Staffer Selling Aborted Babies is $345,338

Real Footage of developing baby(fetus) from the uterus.


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Chris Matthews: Hillary Clinton is “Lucky Enough” to Face Ted Cruz or Rand Paul,  in 2016 Presidential Election.  With 1259 days until the 2016 Presidential election  is Chris feeling the Tingles up his legs already?

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“At Stake” by American Crossroads narrated by actor, writer, producer and director Clint Eastwood.

“Bow” and” Survive” are two more ads released by American Crossroads in the launch of a $2.1 million anti Obama ad purchase.

All bring home the message, America cannot afford 4 more years of Obama.

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Obama: “I’m looking for a campaign contribution,”  Boone, Iowa, campaign event.

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