
Posts Tagged ‘Gun control’

Bob Costas remarks on gun control the platform Sunday Night Football, Jovan Belcher tragedy, December 2, 2012. Bob Costas gun control rant after Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher  committed murder/suicide. Sad to use a tragedy to advance ones own agenda. Sad and ironic that “God Bless America” is playing in the background.



National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre said,

People turned on NBC to watch a football game last night. They didn’t tune in to listen to Bob Costas in a way make excuses for a murderer, whining about his social agenda of gun bans in the middle of a football game, and that’s why he’s getting the reaction that he’s getting.”


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Gun homicides and gun ownership listed by country. Another graph lists death by firearms, 2007. Just a quick reference to have handy on this statistics.  I am not making a statement on gun ownership, but wanted this post for future research.

United States — Gun Facts, Figures and the Law

Gun Homicides and Gun Ownership listed by Country Click Here

The gun ownership and gun homicides murder map of the world Click Here

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Soros supports UN control over gun ownership. Again Americans second Amendment rights to bear arms is being challenged At the United Nations Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty being held in NYC July 2-27.   Soros through his left propaganda Media Matters organization, is unloading UN’s gun control into the MSM.

Johnson from Media Matters in his extensive blog post, promotes the passage of ATT, or the UN’s Arms Trade Treaty.

Just another global takeover from the George Soros socialist society.

Sign The Petition To Stop The US From Signing The Arms Trade Treaty Click Here

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