
Archive for December 6th, 2012

Led Zeppelin was a  guest on Late Show with David Letterman December 3, 2012. The gala will be broadcast on CBS December 26th.

Led Zeppelin Get All-Star Tribute at Kennedy Center Honors

My first Led Zeppelin album was Led Zeppelin II.  Junior Prom song was Stairway To Heaven. Wow, I grew up in the greatest music era of all time.

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At Paulsboro, New Jersey, the site of the 2.2-square mile town had a vinyl chloride chemical spill train derailment meeting that turned ugly and uninformative.  A line wrapped around the Nehaunsey Middle School 30 minutes before the doors opened with hundreds of aggravated and irate residents with questions that were not answered it was reported.  It is day six of this evacuation period. Approximately 600 to 800 gallons of the chemical remained in the breached 84-car freight Conrail train  tanker.

Tennile Blake said,

My son has been coughing like crazy since this happened. I’ve been lightheaded, dizzy.”

Samuel Davis declared,

They just tell us to come here, and you come here, and its pure nonsense. It’s disorganized.”

Treva Oster also said,

We’re not going to get the proper answers that we need.”

Other residents questioned,

We’re wondering why those people who are so far away have been evacuated and we have not?” “It’s not like God put up a shield.”  Another person said,“It’s upsetting. I want to know about the air quality.” A Mother said, “The kids are off from school, and they want to go back.”

Lawrence Ragonese, N.J. Department of Environmental Protection replied,

Right now the public health is good. They are in good shape; the air levels and the samples are very low.”

The livid crowd shouted,

It’s a lie!, tell us the truth!” “It’s worse than what he’s saying,”  “Go home tomorrow morning and listen for a bird to chirp. You won’t hear it!”

Kathleen Moore from the U.S. Coast Guard stated,

We are in very good shape right now. We are moving ahead in removing the product from the tank car.”

I would like to know Governor Chris Christie opinion of this situation? He has remained silent but was so vocal during Hurricane Sandy.

Anyone with questions about evacuations or assistance is asked to call 1-800-230-7049


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