
Archive for December 4th, 2012

Indiana Planned Parenthood has 12 adoptions in 6 years, but 5,250 abortions.

But they also do mammograms. Women, don’t forget that.


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Who’s Lying? US denies Iran captured ScanEagle drone over Persian Gulf. Tehran has claimed it captured a US spy drone in the Persian Gulf after the unmanned aircraft entered Iranian airspace, Iran’s Press TV reported. The US Navy denied the claim, saying that none of its drones in the Gulf region were lost.

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Hillary Clinton’s First 2016 Campaign Video? First aired on CSPAN on ninth annual Saban Forum at the Brookings’ Saban Center for Middle East Policy.

Bloomberg Asked Clinton to Consider Succeeding Him as Mayor


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Prosecutors in Trayvon Martin Case Release Picture of Zimmerman Showing Broken Bloody Nose Finally? The prosecutors in the Trayvon Martin case finally released a clear, digital photo taken by police on the night of the incident showing George Zimmerman’s injuries.The black and white next to it is what the prosecution originally released. As you can see, is a lot less explicit and open to a lot more interpretation. For instance, the blood is not clearly visible.

Zimmerman’s nose is clearly broken and he appears to have been pummeled MMA style. Exactly as witnesses said originally. It backs up Zimmerman’s story, that he was in fear of grave bodily harm.

The photo and other evidence was released in what was called supplemental discovery.  This wasn’t released originally in discovery, the legal process in which both sides are supposed to reveal their evidence to each other before trial.

When there’s supplemental discovery, that normally means that one side found out about evidence that should have been released to them originally under the rules of discovery and had to make a formal request to the court to obtain it.

Since this picture definitely helps Zimmerman’s defense and was withheld, I think we’re talking prosecutorial misconduct.

Zimmerman is up for second-degree murder.  How can they convict him unless the jury is racially motivated.

Prosecutorial Misconduct by Angela Corey



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