
Posts Tagged ‘WOMEN’

What Happened To Dearborn, Michigan Muslims, Obama?

I tell you what happened, an Open boarder Obama why to change demographics. I want a halt to all immigrants.  Muslims that are already here need to be inspected for terrorism.  People, you know they are already here.  We must eradicate Muslim terrorism here and everywhere across the world. Seems like this is the first town in US to have Sharia in America?




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Who You Are, God’s Love: Jeremiah 29:13, Psalm 86:12

Jeremiah 29:13

13 You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.

Psalm 86:12

12 I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart,
    and I will glorify your name forever.


Psalm 86: 12


The woman who works with her hands, her head, and her heart is an artist.



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CODEPINK asks women to send vaginas to the RNC, Isn’t it a revelation?

Join CODEPINK and V-Day to bring your vagina to the Republican National Convention in Tampa, FL.

Code Pink states,

My vagina’s furious and it needs to talk.” Our vaginas need to talk, too. They need to talk about the way women’s rights are threatened worldwide–from anti-choice legislation to inappropriate rape jokes to economic inequality to war and occupation overseas that disproportionately affect women’s lives.

Can’t make it to Tampa to protest at the Republican National Convention? No worries, you can still
send your vagina to the RNC!

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California police open fire on men, women, children and babies to stop riot. Cops shot non-lethal rounds toward men, women and children and unleashed a dog who charged toward a stroller during a clash with mostly Latino residents in Anaheim following an officer-involved shooting there.

The moment police fired at women and children with rubber bullets Click Here


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