
Posts Tagged ‘New Hampshire’

Jimmy Fallon and wife Nancy Juvonen Fallon Names Daughter Winnie Rose, Lake Winnipesaukee, The Wonder Years?

Why the name Winnie Rose? It is the short for Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire.

I thought Jimmy was  sentimental, He proposed to his wife there and vacationed at the summer retreat.

Fallon explained, “Winnie from ‘The Wonder Years’ is the coolest girl in any TV show ever. And also, she’s a ‘win’ for us.”

Jimmy exclaimed,

I just love her. She’s a little angel. She’s so cute and so fun. Little girls especially unlock something in your heart.”

I want to see if Jimmy tells his Late Night audience how the baby is growing up her first smiles, wet diapers, fussiness you know all the great experiences you have as a new parent. I wonder if Jimmy will impersonate Winnie Rose too?

is the coolest girl in any TV show ever. And also, she’s a ‘win’ for us.”
Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/entertainment/television/Jimmy-Fallon-explains-why-he-named-his-daughter-Winnie-Rose.html#a7JILukRpB3hdjjC.99

“It wasn’t really a secret, but my wife and I had been trying for awhile to have a baby. We’ve tried a bunch of different things, so we had a surrogate,” This time we just said we’re not going to tell anybody, it’d be just more fun if it’s just private between me and my wife and then we get to introduce her to everybody.

“It is the most-worth-it thing. I’m just so happy right now, I’m freaking out!”
Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/entertainment/television/Jimmy-Fallon-explains-why-he-named-his-daughter-Winnie-Rose.html#a7JILukRpB3hdjjC.99
“It is the most-worth-it thing. I’m just so happy right now, I’m freaking out!”
Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/entertainment/television/Jimmy-Fallon-explains-why-he-named-his-daughter-Winnie-Rose.html#a7JILukRpB3hdjjC.99
“It is the most-worth-it thing. I’m just so happy right now, I’m freaking out!”
Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/entertainment/television/Jimmy-Fallon-explains-why-he-named-his-daughter-Winnie-Rose.html#a7JILukRpB3hdjjC.99

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“At Stake” by American Crossroads narrated by actor, writer, producer and director Clint Eastwood.

“Bow” and” Survive” are two more ads released by American Crossroads in the launch of a $2.1 million anti Obama ad purchase.

All bring home the message, America cannot afford 4 more years of Obama.

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