
Posts Tagged ‘CNN’

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton falls asleep during Obama’s Myanmar speech.


Hillary Clinton to Jerusalem, Ramallah, and Cairo

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Obama sidetracks at first press conference after 2012 election: economy, fiscal cliff, national security, immigration reform, Mitt Romney, climate change, Iran and Syria.

POTUS is reading from teleprompter again, Look bro you are not on the campaign trail any longer.  You have full reigns to self destruct America.

AP directs first question preset?

A single side-note to Petraeus career, Are you kidding me? Innocent until proven guilty? Nothing on Benghazi.

CNN next question, fiscal cliff, wealthy pays more, no more loop holes?

Consumers 98% of businesses aren’t seeing their taxes rises. POTUS wants reforms. Bush tax cuts. Blame Bush. Hold the middle class hostage.

Hussein is patting himself on the back.

Telemundo next question. immigration reform?

No one wants to hear your lies. This really hurts listening to Hussein. Right seize the moment. Dream Act. la, la, la, la, la, la. Get that degree in Physics.

NBC, Chuck Todd,  sooner or judgement on General Petraeus plus the Fiscal Cliff?

FBI has a difficult job. We were not told anything. We will see how everything is played out.  Economy, now begging ideas from everyone because you do not have any Obama. Research budget? Red lines? What are you talking about?

CBS, Will Romney be hanging out with you discussing policies?

Gives Romney Kudo’s on running the Olympics. Hey, why don’t you place him in one of your vacant cabinet positions?

ABC, No Susan Rice nominations?

Hey, I love Susan Rice. She has grace. If the Senators want to go after someone, go after me. Do I hear a fight? Accountability, They have a problem.  I get the final call not them.

CBS, Mandate, Benghazi, Did you kill their sons?

I will address the families not through the press. Defense department, CIA, really let us go there. Put forth every piece of information we know. Presidential overreach. I got elected to do work and be hopeful on our future. The Federal government is making a difference. Really, do not talk like that to Hurricane Sandy victims.

Chicago Tribune, Fiscal Cliff and Iran?

Hi, Yes, we go way back Mr. Hussein. Holiday shopping season. Step #1 provide tax relief for under $250,00. Bring down our debt. Really it is up to $16 trillion. Disabled kids what? You are in the student loan industry. Iran? Very much want a diplomacy No Nukes.

New York Times, Climate Change?

Carbon emission tax, ice caps are melting, sever weather events, and human behavior. Clean energy and invest in technology, scientists, engineers, discussions short-term, long-term. Just don’t know what to do?

Reuters, Syria?

Help the folks inside and outside Syria. I was the first to say Assad should go. Chemical weapons. Syrian oppositions will have talks and legitimate. Really, not part of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Couldn’t hear the one unanswered question.

What a Joke. What a Joke! JMO!

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Cory Booker and Chris Christie potential  sneak peek at the 2013 election for New Jersey Governor.

I was surprised to view Booker in the spotlight in this CNN interview.

Daily Poll: Should Cory Booker run for governor?

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Debates moderators announced for 2012 Presidential nomination are “Newshour” host Lehrer will host the first debate on Oct. 3 at the University of Denver. Candy Crowley of CNN, Bob Schieffer of CBS, and ABC’s Martha Raddatz will moderate the vice presidential debate between Joe Biden and Romney’s newly selected running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), on Oct. 11 at Centre College in Danville, KY. They happen to be all liberals from liberal news organizations.

No Fox or Wall Street Journal or any other center or right balanced group.  Is Obama and Biden going to get a crib sheet or a heads up before the debates? Maybe a mic in an ear piece for the Democrats.

I hope the Republicans refuse until they can make it balanced for both party’s. How about no media commentators at all?




Progressive-leaning panel picks moderators for presidential debates Click Here

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Top ten Obama donors funding Super Pac, Priorities USA  campaign against Mitt Romney. This group of people have donated $12.55 million to Priorities USA.

1. Jeffrey Katzenberg, CEO Dreamworks

2. Irwin Mark Jacobs, founder Qualcomm

3. Fred Eychaner, political activist

4. Barbara Stiefel, philanthropist

5. Amy Goldman, gardener

6. Steve Mostyn, trial lawyer

7. Kareem Ahmed, CEO of Landmark Medical Management

8. Bill Maher, TV host and comedian

9. Franklin Haney, real estate developer

10. Morgan Freeman, actor


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