
Archive for the ‘Gov’ Category

What Happened To Dearborn, Michigan Muslims, Obama?

I tell you what happened, an Open boarder Obama why to change demographics. I want a halt to all immigrants.  Muslims that are already here need to be inspected for terrorism.  People, you know they are already here.  We must eradicate Muslim terrorism here and everywhere across the world. Seems like this is the first town in US to have Sharia in America?




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The Lyin Hillary Doll: April 1992 Interview with Hillary Clinton on Today Show, 

Lyin Hillary had her eyes on the big chair in the White House way back when she was enabling her Husband Bill Clinton” “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”  I am a 60-year-old Woman. But, Lyin Crooked Hillary, the enabler, Is sexual assault bad only when President Pantsuit’s nominal hubby isn’t the one committing it? I hope other women do not take Lyin Crooked Hillary’s bait and vote for her.  This country cannot survive it.  Last video shows her real view of women. ” I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had tea.” Really Lyin crooked Hilary you have been reported, you, Hillary Clinton hasn’t driven a car since 1996.  Clinton foundation’s lush/slush fund at work.  Hillary Clinton famous What difference at this point does it make?’

My gloves are off here on this blog. Mr. Trump watch your back. Put extra security around everyone.  Watch the dead people in the ballot boxes. Hillary Clinton has not put all this work in, for her fantasy place, POTUS ! She has to get her grand prize. With 33,000 missing emails, private server, Benghazi, pay to play, Monica Lewinsky. You do you see her writing on the WALL? Lyin Crooked Hillary believes she has paid her price. NOT! Hillary Clinton is a felon. 

Hillary Lie People Die.

President Clinton Impeached

The Hillary Clinton Dead Pool

The Benghazi Timeline, Clinton Edition


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CALL Your Gov, say NO Obama Resettling, Vetting? #SyrianRefugees

Call Now, it is very important.  Vetting process does not exist. We could be letting more Islamic terrorists on our soil.


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